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UX-/UI-Trends 2023

User Experience UX User Interface UI

What should designers look out for this year in the areas of UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience)? Creating an attractive user interface on a website or app is a core requirement for users to interact with content in the first place. Our Communication Design Chapter took a closer look at this year’s UI-/UX- trends and prepared a short summary.

Graphic Design Trends 2023

Trends Grafikdesign 2023

The digital world is in a constant state of change. Innovations and changes are part of everyday life – and graphic design is no exception. Many design elements that were fashionable just a short time ago no longer generate attention today. Our Communication Design Chapter has taken a closer look at the trends in graphic design for 2023 and prepared a short summary.

Colors: Effects, Usage and Tips


As it is often the case in life, the following guiding principle applies to colors: Less is more! Colors can emphasize, and carry meaning, as well as show structures better and increase comprehensibility. If they are used in a targeted manner, they can direct the audience’s attention to the essentials. For ensuring the best possible use of color, we’ve collected some tips below