The art of adaptation: change and humanity in the modern working world

Veränderung und Menschlichkeit in der modernen Arbeitswelt Human Resources Herausforderungen

Change is one of the central components of our modern and complex world. But even thousands of years ago, Greek philosophers such as Heraclitus recognized the unstoppable nature of change with its potential for challenges and opportunities. The ability to flexibly adapt existing strategies is particularly crucial in the HR sector.

AI in the vehicle: Technical and ethical challenges of autonomous driving

Prof. Dr. Johannes Betz Autonomes Fahren Technische Herausforderungen Ethik

Autonomous driving is one of the major developments of our time. It is about much more than technical progress. Safety and responsibility are key issues in the major transformation of the automotive industry. We discover more about this from Prof. Dr. Johannes Betz from the Technical University of Munich in an expert interview…