AI and CDR: the digital responsibility behind the technology

Laura Bechthold Corporate Digital Responsibility CDR

Prof. Dr. Laura Bechthold is a professor at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, where she teaches Technology Assessment and Cultural Management. One of her main areas of research is Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) as she also deals with technological developments and the responsibility that innovation entails. We therefore reached out to Laura for an insight into the topic of CDR, the “digital responsibility” that AI already entails in its development, data provision and evaluation.

AI and digital ethics: the responsible use of the game changer

Digitale Ethik KI AI Act digital ethics

From unconscious use in everyday life to the automation of work: AI is used extensively. In an expert interview, Prof Dr René Peinl, Head of the Systems Integration Research Group at the affiliated Institute for Information Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences, reveals the opportunities, changes and risks behind the technology and why legal regulation such as the AI Act is necessary …

Successful kick-off for internal curriculum

Kick-off für internes Curriculum Unternehmensinterne Weiterbildung

Sharing knowledge to grow together. These principles of the WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers guided our third Townhall of 2023. Over the course of 2.5 days, our internal curriculum as well as “New Employee Orientation” were presented. Which topics were of particular importance to us? A recap of the Townhall of the third quarter of 2023…

A technological glimpse into the future

20231023_Ein technologischer Blick in die Zukunft 1

How do we shape the future, and what role will technology play in this? Dr. Christoph Wargitsch, CEO of WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers, had the chance to address this question on October 13 at the German conference of the alumni of the University of St. Gallen. How our appearance at the conference looked like, you can read here …

Becoming a Strength Coach: An Insight

Building on strengths instead of emphasizing the discovery of weaknesses. With this in mind, we decided to focus on our strengths using the CliftonStrengths Test from Gallup. Why did we choose this assessment? What advantages are there and how to implement them in our work? These and more questions are discussed with Dr. Christina Weigert from her perspective as a strengths trainer at Gallup

WARGITSCH is focusing on its strengths

Building strengths to achieve excellent, satisfying performances. Managing weaknesses to avoid stumbling in everyday life. That’s the CliftonStrenghts approach. This year, we set the goal of using it to master our tasks according to our strength profiles. Which advantages result from the orientation towards strengths? How do we deal with our weaknesses and what perspectives do they open up?

Be open, curious and playful!

Lego Serious Play Be open curious and playful

Playing LEGO in a professional workshop? Yes, of course! Using the playful component in a strategically meaningful way results in great added value during workshops and the like. That’s why five of our WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers have completed a training as LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitators in Regensburg. They can now use the visualization and creativity technique, during everyday work as well as in customer projects.