How do we shape the future, and what role will technology play in this? Christoph Wargitsch, CEO of WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers, addressed this question at the German conference of the alumni of the University of St. Gallen. How the appearance of the WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers at the conference looked like.
Stuttgart, 13.10.23. – On Friday, 13.10., Dr. Christoph Wargitsch (CEO of WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers) and Christian Schäfer (from Chapter Digital Solutions) were given the opportunity to play their part in shaping the “Technology” cluster at the German conference of the alumni of the University of St. Gallen. A total of 100-120 guests from business, science and politics had gathered at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart for a conference under the motto: “Shaping the Future 2050!”, where they also exchanged ideas on the other topics such as “City Design”, “Food”, “European Quarter”, “Democracy 2050” and “Health”.
“As a media computer scientist, I find VR particularly interesting as a bridge between man and machine, as a promising possibility of new interaction and the possibility of displaying in the third dimension. This technology offers an immersive experience with broad application potential. In transformation consulting, for example, it can be used for simulations of business change and to show decision makers the impact of a transformation. In addition, interactive VR environments can be used for training and preparing employees before a transformation, so they contribute to a smoother transition.”