The Power of People

Transformation Talk The Power of People

To obtain the most holistic possible approach during transformation processes in complex systems, the WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers examine the dimensions “people”, “organization” and “technology”. We addressed the first of these dimensions in our first Transformation Talk 2023: “The Power of People. On cultural and psychological aspects in change processes”.

Female Leadership

Female Leadership

Even in 2023, Germany’s top management continues to be male dominated: According to a 2022 study by the Allbright Foundation, there are more men named “Christian” in leadership circles of German companies than there are women in general. But how can this be changed? What are the arguments in favor of gender-diverse corporate leadership? And how do male and female leadership differ?

UX-/UI-Trends 2023

User Experience UX User Interface UI

What should designers look out for this year in the areas of UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience)? Creating an attractive user interface on a website or app is a core requirement for users to interact with content in the first place. Our Communication Design Chapter took a closer look at this year’s UI-/UX- trends and prepared a short summary.

Megatrends – a summary

Megatrends Transformation

Since its birth, the term megatrends has been closely associated with the term transformation. This is why the WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers, together with experts from various specialist areas, highlighted important megatrends of our time as part of the Transformation Talks in 2022. In this article, we provide an overview of the topic of megatrends.

Welcome back! Reboarding at WARGITSCH

Reboarding WARGITSCH Ramona Vogg

Reconciling family and job? That’s possible! The WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers enable, for example, the best possible re-entry into professional life after parental leave. In the following interview, our colleague Ramona Vogg (Senior Communication Designer) talks about her journey with WARGITSCH and focuses on her two reboardings after pregnancy and parental leave.

In Zero we trust?

Transformation Talk Sicherheit In Zero we trust

In our fourth Transformation Talk with Dr. Christoph Wargitsch (CEO, host, physicist and systems theorist), Dr. Constanze Kurz (cybersecurity expert) and Peter Heilmeier (strategic consultant in the defense industry), we jointly made the perception of risk and security, the development of the megatrend and digital threats the subjects of discussion.

Graphic Design Trends 2023

Trends Grafikdesign 2023

The digital world is in a constant state of change. Innovations and changes are part of everyday life – and graphic design is no exception. Many design elements that were fashionable just a short time ago no longer generate attention today. Our Communication Design Chapter has taken a closer look at the trends in graphic design for 2023 and prepared a short summary.

Mind Mapping: Time for Creative Ideas

Mind Mapping Workshop

“Share your knowledge” is an important part of our corporate philosophy and therefore also part of the PRINCIPLES of WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers. In October, our Transformation Consultant, Alberto Vera Ramirez, therefore held an internal workshop on Mind Mapping and shared his knowledge based on his “ThinkBuzan”-certification with his colleagues.

Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Sustainability and Digital Transformation

Sustainability and digital transformation are influential issues of our time and deserve more attention. Digital transformation ( = transition into the digital world with its digital business models) is, among other things, connected to the following question: How can companies hold steady when the markets change as a result of disruptive technologies and business models?

Let’s Talk About Digital Ethics!

Digitale Ethik Auftaktinterview Carsten Gundlach

We are surrounded by digital applications – in our private lives, at work, and in social contexts. But what are the consequences of these developments? And how can we use digitization to our advantage and not to our disadvantage? Starting at the end of the year, we will shed light on this topic in a blog about digital ethics as part of our think tank.