Female Leadership

Female Leadership

Even in 2023, Germany’s top management continues to be male dominated: According to a 2022 study by the Allbright Foundation, there are more men named “Christian” in leadership circles of German companies than there are women in general. But how can this be changed? What are the arguments in favor of gender-diverse corporate leadership? And how do male and female leadership differ?

Welcome back! Reboarding at WARGITSCH

Reboarding WARGITSCH Ramona Vogg

Reconciling family and job? That’s possible! The WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers enable, for example, the best possible re-entry into professional life after parental leave. In the following interview, our colleague Ramona Vogg (Senior Communication Designer) talks about her journey with WARGITSCH and focuses on her two reboardings after pregnancy and parental leave.