Successful kick-off for internal curriculum

Kick-off für internes Curriculum Unternehmensinterne Weiterbildung

Sharing knowledge to grow together. These principles of the WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers guided our third Townhall of 2023. Over the course of 2.5 days, our internal curriculum as well as “New Employee Orientation” were presented. Which topics were of particular importance to us? A recap of the Townhall of the third quarter of 2023…

DEUS EX MACHINA – Transformation catalyst Technology

Transformation Talk DEUS EX MACHINA Transformationskatalysator Technologie

The third and last Transformation Talk of 2023 shed light on the topic of Technology. We addressed the question of how technological progress affects established markets and organizations, focusing on how we can manage transformations in a methodical and targeted manner.
Our three experts on technology and technical development, Christoph Wargitsch (CEO, WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers), Sebastian Seutter (Global Manufacturing Lead, UiPath), and Peter Seidel (CIO, Lilium) delivered exciting insights and promising recommendations – a recap…

A technological glimpse into the future

20231023_Ein technologischer Blick in die Zukunft 1

How do we shape the future, and what role will technology play in this? Dr. Christoph Wargitsch, CEO of WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers, had the chance to address this question on October 13 at the German conference of the alumni of the University of St. Gallen. How our appearance at the conference looked like, you can read here …

Becoming a Strength Coach: An Insight

Building on strengths instead of emphasizing the discovery of weaknesses. With this in mind, we decided to focus on our strengths using the CliftonStrengths Test from Gallup. Why did we choose this assessment? What advantages are there and how to implement them in our work? These and more questions are discussed with Dr. Christina Weigert from her perspective as a strengths trainer at Gallup

WARGITSCH is focusing on its strengths

Building strengths to achieve excellent, satisfying performances. Managing weaknesses to avoid stumbling in everyday life. That’s the CliftonStrenghts approach. This year, we set the goal of using it to master our tasks according to our strength profiles. Which advantages result from the orientation towards strengths? How do we deal with our weaknesses and what perspectives do they open up?

Let’s get started: Onboarding @ WARGITSCH

Antonia Wörle Fynn Ulrich Transformation Consultant Onboarding

A few months ago, they joined the Transformation Engineering Team: our Tranformation Consultants Fynn and Antonia. At the beginning, our onboarding process is a central and extremely important step for this at WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers. We talked with Fynn and Antonia about their particular onboarding process and asked what exactly made it easier for them to get started.

Never change a running system?

Transformation Talk Organisation im Wandel

“Never change a running system? Organization in transition.” We devoted our second Transformation Talk 2023 to this exciting topic. We were moved by questions such as: Which parameters in relation to the dimension of organization must be taken into account in change processes? What is the significance of values and principles? How much self-organization can I expect from a system? And what role do collaboration, communication and transparency play?

Be open, curious and playful!

Lego Serious Play Be open curious and playful

Playing LEGO in a professional workshop? Yes, of course! Using the playful component in a strategically meaningful way results in great added value during workshops and the like. That’s why five of our WARGITSCH Transformation Engineers have completed a training as LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitators in Regensburg. They can now use the visualization and creativity technique, during everyday work as well as in customer projects.

Why are we risk incompetent?

Why are we risk incompetent?

Last year, we talked about the megatrend security during one of our Transformation Talks. A complex topic with many facets, which we illustrated during our event. One interesting aspect of the megatrend security is risk perception and the psychological components behind it. In this article, we would like to dive a little deeper into the topics.

From Student Employee to Chapter Lead

Werkstudentin zum Chapter Lead

This year we are celebrating our 15th anniversary. For many years now, Alexandra Wiebe-Kaaden, Creative Director and Chapter Lead Communication Design, has been a WARGITSCH Transformation Engineer. But she didn’t start in her current leadership position, of course, but as a working student. In this interview, Alex talks about her journey with WARGITSCH.